LTC-33 is one of the oldest tennis clubs in Finland. It was founded in 1933 by Arne Grahn and Bertel Limnell.

The club operates every year from May till September and the members are mainly adult/senior tennis players. In 2021 the annual membership fee is 70 euros per adult.

Our club is headquartered in Kalastajatorppa, Helsinki where we have six excellent clay courts just by the sea. Before and after playing members can enjoy snacks, drinks and sauna at the classy clubhouse.

Club member benefits:
> Kalastajatorppa clay courts at member price           
> Season's opening party, crayfish party and tournaments       
> Enthusiastic tennis players of various skill levels

You can send online membership application HERE (

Welcome to our great location, great company and great atmosphere!

Contact information:

Club master Juri Räikkönen
p. 0400 993 200

LTC-33 Board
Chairman Olli Eklund, p. 050 5495588
Vice Chairman Tarmo Jokinen, p. 040 7336182
Johan Cronstedt, p. 050 5849240
Mika Kervinen, p. 040 5740039
Pertti Mäkinen, p. 050 67049
Kai Vitikainen, p. 044 5040000
Tuomas Kannas, p. 050 5680782